Eco-trail expected to boost tourism in Monggar

In an effort to attract more tourists in Monggar, an eco-trail and birding site is under construction at Phujur Laptsa in Monggar Gewog. Phujur Laptsa is located more than ten kilometres from Monggar town. The eco-trail passes through three Lhakhangs and various nye. Today, 90 per cent of the construction works are completed. To celebrate the 116th National Day, the Monggar District Administration organised a health walk along the trail yesterday.

More than 200 officials from different agencies and the business community took part in the walk along the trail.

The participants travelled about seven kilometres.

“So, the 116th National Day celebrations across the country are happening. So, one of the programmes under the Monggar dzongkhag is the health walk. So we started from the Phujur Laptsa to Shami Lhakhang and Shami Lhakhang to Jaiphu Pam Lhakhang,” said Lungten Jamtsho, Monggar Dzongda.

The health officials advocated non-communicable diseases as a part of the event.

The officials also inspected the development works of the trail. The Monggar District Administration had awarded the work to a community contractor.

The one-year project started in July. For now, the construction of footpath, toilet, bridges, and resting facilities along the trail have been completed.

The contractor is left with works like the construction of a canopy and two swings at Jaiphu Pam Lhakhang.

However, the district administration has plans to extend the trail to Pongchula which is also about three kilometres from Jaiphu Pam Lhakhang.

“The eco-trail is to attract the tourists, both regional and international tourists and also to advocate why we need to walk and the benefits of health. So, this was also one of the objectives of today’s health walk,” said Monggar Dzongda.

“When tourists arrive in our community, we hope that it will benefit the shopkeepers and villagers. When tourists come for trekking, shopkeepers can earn more and villagers can also sell vegetables and earn from it,” said Tenzin Wangchuk, Monggar Gup.

“We hope that the trail will benefit the people of my Gewog. Secondly, tourists coming here will be able to do bird watching. Similarly, they will be able to visit Lhakhangs along the trail,” said Tshering Dorji, Kidekhar Tshogpa.

The Global Environment Facility is supporting the eco-trail project worth Nu 1.6 M.

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