Group of women in Tsirang volunteers to prepare feast offerings, reducing plastic waste at religious events

Owing to busy household chores, housewives are often unable to participate in outdoor activities that matter to them. However, a group of housewives in Tsirang’s Damphu town are finding their time to lend a helping hand by preparing homemade Tshog or feast offerings for religious programmes in the district. The group called Dratshang Tshog Group currently has over 30 active members.

The group of women, mostly housewives, residing in Damphu town was busy preparing Tshog before the commencement of the five-day annual Moenlam Chhenmo.

They prepared a variety of Tshog using 300 kilogrammes of flour. The team took at least three days to complete the task, often working during odd hours.

This is not their first time making Tshog. They have been volunteering during religious events for the past four years.

Tenzin Dema, team leader of Dratshang Tshog Group said “Initially, we made Tshog for one year on a trial basis. After that, I was encouraged to continue the service after I recollected His Holiness the Je Khenpo’s religious talk on the benefits of offering homemade Tshog during religious programmes such as Moenlam Chhenmo. His Holiness said such effort would help cleanse our sinful deeds and accumulate merits. His Holiness also mentioned that the imported items are not clean to offer as Tshog.”

Karma Cheki, a member said “As a housewife, I have household chores such as taking care of my children and preparing meals. However, I put aside those works and prioritise preparing Tshog. This is because it is a lifetime opportunity to accumulate merits.”

Ugyen Yangzom, who is also a member said “I am dedicating my time to prepare Tshog as it is an offering to Kencho Sum or Triple Gem. I am putting my effort since I cannot do anything great.”

The group’s efforts have not only helped them accumulate merits but also assisted organisers such as the district’s Moenlam Chhenmo committee in having clean homemade offerings.

Making homemade Tshog has helped minimise use of plastic packaged offerings during religious programmes, contributing to the district’s initiative towards prohibiting plastics.

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