Voice for Green Change Partnership project launched

Cottage and Small Industries (CSIs), Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Civil Society Organisations can expect to get more involved in policymaking concerning them. To this effect, the Handicraft Association of Bhutan along with other organisations, launched the Voice for Green Change Partnership project in the capital, yesterday. The project aims to strengthen the capacities of the firms and organisations.

The Voice for Green Change Partnership, V4GCP project aims to address issues regarding the need for clear and consistent policies that are essential for small enterprises to grow.

Handicrafts Association of Bhutan’s Executive Director, Chhorten Dorji said, “We saw that the issues and concerns of the CSIs and SMEs were not being recognised by policymakers and that is why, with the help of the European Union, we started the project. If we are to make sure that their issues and concerns are included in the policies, working together with the government and parliament is important. We will work together with them and support the enterprises.”

According to the Handicrafts Association of Bhutan, it will urge the government to review policies concerning CSIs and SMEs and to also involve stakeholders from private sectors in this policy development.

Moreover, the project focuses on enhancing CSOs through training in advocacy, business development, and leadership.

The project is a three-year undertaking carried out in partnership with six different organisations.

“After three years, there will be far better-institutionalised communication between the private sector and the government. And there will be stronger linkages between the national and local levels. The parliament will understand better what the member organisations can do for the local produce. There will be far more voices coming from the grassroots through the CSOs to the national level and I think there will be a stronger membership base for the member organisations,” said John Hummel, the Sustainable Development and CSI Development Adviser with the European Association for Local Democracy.

According to the Handicrafts Association of Bhutan, the V4GCP project will be introduced in 10 districts which is expected to make significant progress towards a more inclusive and sustainable economic future for the country.

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