To create a better future for the country’s youth, Bhutan took a huge step towards transforming the education system and the civil service following the Royal Decrees three years ago. Along with the changes in the two sectors, the transformation has changed the way Bhutanese work or perceive the country. It presented the country with both opportunities and challenges. On International Youth Day, we will walk you through Bhutanese youths’ perspectives on the ongoing transformation.
The country currently has close to 200 thousand young people aged 15 to 24 years.
These youths are growing at a time when the country is undergoing major reforms across almost all sectors.
Some youths BBS talked to said they are growing up in an uncertain time as the country sees her youth leaving for better opportunities abroad. They said it is disheartening to see this happen at a time when the country is working for a better tomorrow for her youths.
Some added this is posing a huge challenge for the transformations.
“Such an exodus has created quite a few issues in the country. Firstly be that there has been a shortage of labour. Before I would see a shortage of jobs, but now we see lots of jobs being created,” said Kuendhen Rigzin Nima, a student.
“Most of the people are moving out of the country to places such as Australia. It is a common thing now,” said Tashi Lhamo, another student.
“When many changes are happening in our country, I can see that many youths are getting discouraged and leaving the country instead of staying back,” said Thinley Jamtsho, a graduate.
Amidst uncertain times, there is hope. Hope for a better tomorrow, among the country’s young people. A few youths BBS talked to said that they are aware of the transformations happening in the country adding that it is an indication of a change in the education sector as well as in the job market. Some of them said that they are hopeful of better opportunities to come due to the changes.
“Obviously I can see the transformation taking place in our country. Since it is the vision of His Majesty, I have a firm belief that it will have a great impact on our country,” said Thinley Jamtsho.
“I do believe that the transformation that’s happening in the country is an indication of our country moving towards developmental advancements,” said Kuendhen Rigzin Nima.
“I think our country is heading in the right direction with the changes in the education reform. I feel like in the future our education quality will improve with growth and progress,” said Sonam Lekzin, a student.
The two Royal Kashos on Education Reform and Civil Service Reform were granted on 17 December 2020 during the 113th National Day.
The Royal Kasho on the Civil Service Reform decrees that a Civil Service Reform Council be established to recommend to the Royal Government the directions for fundamentally restructuring the civil service. This is to ensure that it has a renewed vision for the twenty-first century.
The Royal Kasho on Education Reform decrees that a time-bound Council for Education Reform be established to prepare a visionary and workable roadmap for the twenty-first century to support the Royal Government of Bhutan.
The transformations will take some years to achieve the expected outcome. In the meantime, all that these youths can anticipate is that Bhutan will become a prosperous nation and that they will be offered better opportunities within the country without having to seek elsewhere in the world.