Construction begins in Damphu’s Local Area Plan II

After more than 15 years, landowners of Damphu town’s Local Area Plan (LAP) II in Tsirang are finally starting to construct buildings on their plots. The municipal office lifted the construction moratorium towards the end of last year. This was done after the final land demarcation and plot validation works. Damphu town has three Local Area Plans.

Except for the core of Damphu town, a construction moratorium has been in place for the remaining parts of the LAP II since 2008. This was to carry out proper planning.

With construction allowed since a few months ago, two plot owners having land along the Sarpang-Wangdue highway have started constructing houses.

“We have been waiting for a very long time for this, since 2004. Now the municipal office has approved construction. I think now we have to construct buildings,” said Chatrapati Rana, a plot owner in Damphu town.

However, landowners whose plots are away from the highway will have to wait till the municipal office constructs internal roads. The office has proposed a budget to construct public infrastructure in the area.

The LAP II will have a proper drainage and sewerage system. It will also have streetlights and two recreational parks, one each for elderly people and youth.

“We have listed and requested a budget for all the public facilities that need to be constructed in the LAP II. We cannot construct all of them immediately since the construction was approved only a few months ago. But we will construct them in a phase-wise manner in the coming financial years,” said Sonam Gyeltshen, Urban Planner, Damphu Municipal Office.

With over 300 plots, the LAP II has the most number of plots among the three Local Area Plans. It stretches from Damphu hospital to the Druk Petroleum Corporation’s fuel depot.

Though infrastructure development has yet to start in the LAP I, construction are approved in plots nearby the highway. The municipal office has proposed a budget to start planning works.

Meanwhile, there is no restriction on construction in the LAP III. Several buildings were already constructed and some are under construction.

Pema Tshewang, Tsirang

Edited by Kipchu

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