Dorji Lopen confers Dhar to newly appointed Lam of Tongzhoongnang Lhakhang


The Dorji Lopen of Zhung Dratshang conferred Dhar to the newly appointed Lam of Tongzhoognang Lhakhang of Kabisa Gewog in Punakha at the Punakha Dzong today.

40-year-old Lam Dorji Phuntsho from Tormazhong in Monggar will be taking care of the temple hereafter. Prior to his present post, he served as a teacher at the Dechenphodrang Central Monastic School in Thimphu for almost a decade.

He joined the monk body at the age of twelve and graduated from the Dodeydrak Shedra and Tango University of Buddhist Studies in Thimphu. He had also completed his three-year retreat from Tango Ngeden Gatshel Drupkhang in Thimphu.

Changa Dorji, Punakha

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