Paro Valley Marketing Cooperative to soon open its outlets to help poultry farmers

With egg prices hitting an all-time low and feed prices escalating, poultry farmers are finding it difficult to sustain their farms. The farmers are not able to sell the eggs. However, these problems in Paro are expected to resolve once the Paro Valley Marketing Cooperative opens its outlets in Paro and Thimphu. The cooperative was formed recently.

56 livestock farmers in Paro came together and formed the Paro Valley Marketing Cooperative. The cooperative is in the process of establishing an outlet in Paro and Thimphu.

The cooperative will collect the farm produce from its members and then it will be sold through its outlets. Almost 70 per cent of the members are poultry farmers.

“There are many cooperatives in the country and they do not focus on quality and value addition. We will focus on value addition and packaging which will help us in marketing,” said Chencho, the Chairperson of Paro Valley Marketing Cooperative.

“Today we are facing difficulty in selling our farm produce. Moreover, the price of feed is rising. Through this cooperative, we will be able to procure feeds this month and pay the amount next time, which is convenient,” said Rinzin Tshewang Norbu, a poultry farmer.

“We cannot ask the companies who produce feeds to lower the price. It is better to explore ways to solve the issue. That’s why I joined the cooperative,” said Ugyen, another poultry farmer.

The cooperative plans to sell the products at a reasonable rate. Currently, there are six cooperatives in Paro including the Paro Valley Marketing Cooperative.

Namgay Wangchuk, Paro

Edited by Tshering Zam

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