Damphu Central School students launch Skydrel.com, an online marketing platform

Drawing inspiration from His Majesty The King, six students of Damphu Central School have developed an advertising online marketing platform called Skydrel.com. In today’s world where convenience is everything, Skydrel offers a one-stop platform for individuals and businesses to buy, sell, exchange and even rent a wide range of products.

It took the students nearly a year to develop the online advertising platform. All of them are in eleven science. Taking inspiration from His Majesty’s vision of harnessing emerging technological advancements for endless opportunities, these students brought this platform to life with financial support from their parents.

They officially launched the platform earlier this month, coinciding with Teachers’ Day. Since launching their online platform, they have catered to around 12 customers.

“We have taken our inspiration from His Majesty The King, for his majesty has been working very hard for the youths. This skydrel also signifies the preparedness for the Gelephu Mindfulness City. We also took inspiration from some of our teachers who have been inspiring us with such kind of innovative ideas. And it is also dedicated to ones who have a small business but do not have a platform to advertise their products,” said Sangay Gyeltshen, one of the developers.

The name skydrel is derived from the vastness of the sky, symbolising the platform’s wide range of services. And ‘drel’, is inspired by ‘Tshongdrel’ that reflects commercial ventures.

Unlike other e-commerce websites where only the admin has access to sell products, skydrel offers the choice to communicate with customers either by chatting directly or contacting them through the platform. To get started, a user just needs to create an account.

“The process of selecting the product that is to be featured on our website is not done by us, it is done by the customer. They have to pay us according to the package that has been provided and once their payments are done, the product will be featured on the website,” said Tashi Phuntsho, another developer.

“Innovative feature our website provides is the coupon system where a customer gets a discount while featuring their product,” said Komal Rizal, also a developer.

“This programme which our student initiated is motived by the Royal Vision, who often share with us, to enhance our potential and capacity In terms of STEM subjects particularly IT, this is why our six students came together,” said Bhuwan Ghalley, the principal of Damphu Central School.

They also have developed an app but it’s not available in the market yet.

If all goes well in the future, they aim to expand their platform into a multi-dimensional business in the upcoming Gelephu Mindfulness City.

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